Meet the world's most dreaded tribe, they drink the blood of animals, their hobby is to kill!

Meet the world's most dreaded tribe, they drink the blood of animals, their hobby is to kill!

The parts of the world to which development has reached are progressing through scientific methods. Although there are many such areas, where the people living today still follow the traditions of thousands of years old. They live in the forests and do not tolerate anyone's interference in their lives. Even the governments avoid interfering in their area.

One such tribe is the dreaded Mursi tribe of Ethiopia. This tribe living in East Africa is counted among the most feared and dangerous tribes in the world. These people consider murder as the most important thing to live life. Their direct fund is - it is better to die yourself than to live without killing anyone. Isn't it very strange?

The sign of masculinity is bloodshed

The settlement of the Mursi tribe is in the Oman Valley located on the South Ethiopia and Sudan border. Their total population is around 10 thousand. For the people of Ethiopia's dreaded Mursi tribe, killing someone is considered a sign of manhood. These people have such weapons, which are enough to complete anyone's work in a moment. It is not that they fight only with old weapons. Modern weapons like AK-47 have also been present with these tribes. It is said that they get these weapons from neighboring countries Sudan and Somalia, which these people buy in exchange for cows. For example, by giving 8-10 cows, they get the old weapon and by giving 30-40 cows they get the new weapon.

Traditions are also very inhuman

Apart from ruthlessness, the Mursi tribe is also famous all over the world for its peculiar customs. Especially the tradition of putting wooden or clay discs in the lower lip of the women of this tribe gets a lot of headlines. This body modification process is done to make women look less attractive. Apart from this, the people of this tribe also drink the blood of animals. The tradition of drinking cow's blood, especially on the occasion of celebration, is going on in this tribe. There is a bloody fight for marriage too. The man who wins during the battle with the baton gets the most beautiful wife. The people of this tribe are so dangerous that if someone goes into their area without their permission, it becomes impossible for them to escape.

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