A person taking a bath in the river got cold, to avoid such a jugaad; you will catch your head

A person taking a bath in the river got cold, to avoid such a jugaad; you will catch your head

We must have seen many strange and surprising things on the internet. We have seen many such videos, seeing which we are compelled to think that how such a stupid idea came to this person's mind?

Some people do big things with jugaad, while some people keep making fun of jugaad. One such video is going viral on social media. In this video, you will beat your head after seeing the jugaad put by the person to beat the cold. This person has also defamed the name of Jugaad by doing such an act. 

mind-blowing video

By the way, we must have seen many strange and surprising things on the Internet. We have seen many such videos, seeing which our mind wanders. Seeing such videos, we are compelled to think that where do such people come from. We are also compelled to think that how such a stupid idea came to this person's mind?

The video that we are going to show you today, has been shared by IPS officer Rupin Sharma on his official Twitter account. Along with sharing the video, he wrote a funny caption, 'My India is great. Promising India. It can be seen in the video that a man is taking a bath in the river. During this, he does very childish things to avoid the cold. watch video- 

A man resting his hand in a vessel floating on the water

It can be seen in the video that to avoid the cold while taking a dip, the man has lit a fire in a vessel floating on top of the water. Every time that person comes out after taking a dip, he is seen baking his hands with this fire. Seeing this video, you will also start thinking that even someone does such a jugaad! After watching this video, social media users are commenting in different ways. A user has given the person the title of 'great fool'. While commenting on a user wrote, 'Necessity is the mother of invention'.  

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