12 year old girl breaks a tree by punching her! People were shocked to see the video

12 year old girl breaks a tree by punching her! People were shocked to see the video

We get worried if our children get hurt even a little. However, you need to understand that babies are not that delicate. We are telling you this because the fists of a 12-year-old girl are so strong that she even breaks a tree and throws it down. Who would call such a child as fragile as his evening?

Evnika Saadvakass, who has become famous as the strongest girl on the internet, has no answer in boxing. He is so powerful that he can make the elders dust in minutes. A video of this girl from Russia is currently doing the rounds on the internet, in which she is seen throwing punches at the tree.

Punches violent death demolished trees

is Avnika (Evnika Saadvakass) to Russia and they have been practicing boxing young age. Avnika's father Rustram Saadvakass himself is a boxing coach and under his coaching, Avnika has become such a skilled boxer that even a tree cannot stand in front of her. In the video, you can see the girl punching a tree. With speed and strength, Avnika first weakens the tree by punching it, and then gradually the tree collapses. Seeing this video, where people are becoming fans of Avnika, their mind is tingling.

The whole family is the boxer.

Avnika's father Rustrum, apart from his 7 siblings are equally fond of boxing. The children's mother, Anya, was also a top sportsperson, but she was a gymnast.

12-year-old Avnika also holds the world record for hitting 65 punches in a minute. He is an expert in breaking doors and all strong things with his powerful punch. From the age of just 4, she is working on her skill and stamina. Seeing the daughter's interest, the father also started preparing her for boxing and the result is in front of everyone.

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